In South Africa we have world-class healthcare, but to make sure you have access to this care you need to have a medical aid in place to pay expensive medical bills.
Private medical care is expensive. Fact. This is why you cannot afford to be without medical insurance cover.
Whether you’ve been in a serious motor accident, you can’t breathe because you’ve been stung by a bee, you get a heart attack, or your child has a fever that won’t break… when emergency strikes, you need quality healthcare and you need it now. Your medical insurance will not only cover your emergency medical expenses but the right policy will also cover day-to-day expenses such as visits to the dentist and chronic medication.
There are an incredible number of options available when it comes to medical insurance in South Africa and you need to know exactly what your needs are when you choose a medical aid. Do your research, decide what you need and what you can afford, and get the medical aid that works for you.