Funeral cover for everyone

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Old Mutual Funeral Insurance

Old Mutual Funeral Insurance will give you a burial of choice. We all like different things in life, and the way we would like that final send-off is certainly no exception. This is where Old Mutual Funeral Insurance enters the picture.

Have you ever asked yourself the question of how you would like to be buried? What kind of send-off do you prefer? Is it a packed church, elaborate casket groaning with white and purple flowers, a long eulogy that one of your nearest and dearest should deliver with old-style hymns and a choral experience never to be forgotten or do you prefer to be cremated and your ashes sent off to the coast to be scattered in the wind over the waves with the dying sun as the perfect backdrop?

Family smiling and sitting down while, mother and father hold their son and daughter
Old Mutual Funeral Insurance

Whether you prefer to be buried in a green cemetery or favour a private cemetery – these all cost money and what better parting gift to your family than ensuring they don’t have to foot the bill of your burial.

Choose the product and the kind of funeral cover that will ensure your funeral is the one that you have hand-picked yourself long before you die.

Many of us simply hate the thought of dying and therefore push this very taboo subject either to the nether regions of our minds, together with the responsibilities, and have not given death and dying a solitary thought, let alone funeral insurance.

Do the smart thing and ensure your family is well taken care of not only by taking out sufficient life cover when you are no longer there to take care of your family’s finances, but by ensuring that there is enough readily-available cash to pay for expensive funerals –even the humblest of burials cost money.

Old Mutual offers a wide range of Old Mutual Funeral Insurance which include the Care Plan, Standard Plan and Comprehensive + Plan that has been devised so that you and your partner as well as your children and your extended family members will enjoy numerous benefits.

Single parents can make use of the Single Adult Family cover that has been especially created for single-parent households.

More cover equals less costs – have you got the kind of funeral cover that you and your family deserve? Old Mutual Funeral Insurance has a plan for every type of family dynamic – all you need to do is to contact us to find out which one suits you best.

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