Funeral cover for everyone

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Hippo Funeral Insurance

Hippo Funeral Insurance will help you find free funeral insurance quotes to suit your and your family’s needs by comparing products from top brands side by side. Discover a range of funeral cover service providers in South Africa on the Hippo online results page. All you need to do is to complete a few easy steps to compare funeral cover quotes.

Funeral cover

Hippo Products Compared

  • Funeral Cover for Parents
  • Funeral Cover for Over 80s
  • Funeral Cover for Extended Family
  • Funeral Cover for Families
  • Funeral Cover Without Waiting Periods

Hippo Compares Funeral Cover for Parents

  • There are various plans available to cover parents.
  • Results depend on the premiums you can afford
  • Funeral cover for parents available depends on the benefits you want to include
  • Different insurance service providers provide a wide range of plans, whether you are taking these out on behalf of your parents, or adding them to your existing funeral insurance cover
  • The lump-sum paid out on the death of a parent could go towards covering funeral costs, medical bills, and any other costs relating to the affairs of the parents
  • Compare funeral plans and quotes for parents easily online with

Hippo Compares Funeral Cover for the Over 80s

  • Get funeral cover for people aged above eighty years without medical tests
  • Payments are tailored to suit your budget and reduce financial strain during the pension years
  • Finding cover for over 80s is not easy. There are, however, policies that offer cover for this age group

Hippo Compares Funeral Cover for Extended Family Members

  • A lump-sum will be paid out on the death of extended family members
  • Once the correct documentation has been approved, beneficiaries are usually paid out within 48 hours
  • No restrictions exist for how money is spent
  • Various policies will offer a range of cover to suit the needs of individuals and budget constraints
  • Should you need to cut back on the cover, most companies will permit the downgrade of a plan
  • It is important to read the fine print prior to signing on the dotted line
  • Compare funeral cover for extended family members online with to find the one that suits you and your extended family members best

Hippo Compares Products and Service Providers for Family Funeral Insurance

  • Family funeral cover will cover your funeral expenses or that of your partner, your children, and your parents
  • Some policies have a six-month waiting period, so if a family member passes away within six months from the start date of the policy, they’ll only be covered for accidental death

Hippo Compares Funeral Cover Without Waiting Periods

  • This type of funeral cover offers an option where there is no waiting period in the event of accidental death
  • Bear in mind that with most policies funeral cover for natural causes will have waiting periods

If you are unsure which cover is right for you, compare quotes on the Hippo platform to see what different companies offer you and your family.

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