Funeral cover for everyone

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Assupol Insurance

Assupol was established more than a century ago, in 1913 as a burial society for members of the police, correctional services and other government employees. They have since grown into one of the most trusted funeral cover providers in South Africa, offering tailor-made funeral insurance products for low to middle-income groups.

They stand by their slogan, “Serving those who serve” and have developed their products specifically for this client base. As ground breakers, Assupol was the first funeral insurance company to introduce the 48-hour-claim turn-around, which is now the industry norm.

Assupol Life is an authorised financial services provider offering funeral, life, savings and retirement annuity products primarily in the lower to middle-income market.

Covid-19 South Africa

For information about the SARS-CoV-2 virus and the disease it causes, plus statistics on its spread in SA and related government press releases go to